Feature Request: Include X and Y Trans in FIDUCIAL variables
from United States  [214 posts]
14 year
Hi STeven,

I wonder if some time down the road you could include FIDUCIAL_X_TRANS and FIDUCIAL_Y_TRANS variables among the most confident fiducial variables.  I ask because I would use these variables more often than the others for the purpose of homing in on a fiducial's location.  Of course I can easily calculate these from the X_COORD and Y_COORD variables, so there is no hurry!

from United States  [214 posts] 14 year
P.S.  I noticed that the FIDUCIAL module displays a "pretty" name for the filename wherein "_" characters are turned into spaces, the filename extension is removed and the words are given initial upper case letters.  This is really nice!  However, neither the FIDUCIAL_NAME nor FIDUCIAL_FILENAME variables apply these string conversions.  Also, if my filename is, for example, dining_room_1.gif, the values of these two variables in RR version 2.13.5 are:

FIDUCIAL_NAME: \dining_room_1.gif (notice the leading \ character)
FUDUCIAL_FILENAME: dining_room_1.gif

so I think there might be a bug in generating FIDUCIAL_NAME?

Thanks again!
from United States  [214 posts] 14 year
Hi STeven,

Regarding my earlier request for including XTRANS and YTRANS among the Fiducial variables, it occurred to me that this would mess up existing code others might be using since it would change the size of the FIDUCIALS array.  So feel free to ignore the request as I can get these two values from XCOORD and YCOORD together with the IMAGE_HEIGHT and IMAGE_WIDTH variables.


Anonymous 14 year

Good point on that ... perhaps a compromise is best. We've updated the module to include an X_TRANS and Y_TRANS just for the best detected fiducial and left the array alone. For the names

FIDUCIAL_NAME: \dining_room_1.gif
FUDUCIAL_FILENAME: dining_room_1.gif

the _NAME is meant to be the full path of the location of the fiducial file relative to the training point. Thus you can include folders in the fiducial folder in order to better organize the images. This would be seen in the _NAME but not in the FILENAME. So the filename is just the top part of the recognized fiducial. We also added a _LABEL which will use the same treatment like the display does (titlecase and _ replaced to spaces).

Not sure if this really helps but it seemed to be a nice addition. You can correct in that the XTRANS can be calculated from the array which, for now, will stay the same to avoid upgrade woes.

See 2.13.6 for these updates.

from United States  [214 posts] 14 year
Many thanks STeven!


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