lubee from United States  [12 posts]
14 year
Hi I have another question: I use set_variables to set variable "command" of value "Pose 1" (which is from lynxmotion_seq interface) , then I am using a button_interface to set the config of one button as variable "command" and value "Pose 1". So is it supposed to do the "Pose 1" when I press that button right? Why it does not work on mine? Please throw me some advices. Thanks
lubee from United States  [12 posts] 14 year
Pleasa help :)
lubee from United States  [12 posts] 14 year
It is my .robo file.
lubee from United States  [12 posts] 14 year
actually in my .robo file, I'm using my_shape as my variable name and Triangle as my value instead of command as variable name and Pose 1 as value. It should not be a problem.
Anonymous 14 year
Yes it would be "Pose 1" without the quote. Also you my_shape variable should NOT have quotes around it. You also need to specify that variable in the Sequencer as the variable to grab commands from. Attached is your corrected robofile for the Triangle command.

lubee from United States  [12 posts] 14 year
Thanks STeven, but I am wondering if I can set maybe two or more buttons corrsponding to the value from lynxmotion_seq like the attachment I did?
How could speicfy thoes variables in the sequencer?
lubee from United States  [12 posts] 14 year
I tried your fiile, but it seems doesnt work for me. :(
Anonymous 14 year

Please download the latest RR version 2.12.1 and try the attached robofile. Go into the Lynxmotion Seq and press the Server button and then the Log button in that interface. This will show you the commands coming from RoboRealm (assuming this work) and gives you an idea of what commands the variable can take.

In terms of the button interface, each button would use the same variable but set it to different values. That same variable must then appear in the Lynxmotion_Seq module in RoboRealm in order for it to transmit the command to the Lynxmotion server application.

Please note that you MUST download the latest copy for this file to work.


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