labview connect to roborealm
Robot_food from United States  [3 posts]
14 year
I hope this vi helps you folks who are trying to retrieve roborealm variables and use them in labview.  This program plots a red dot corresponding to COG_X and COG_Y and also COG_BOX_SIZE.
Robot_food from United States  [3 posts] 14 year
actually, this post probably should be moved to the relevant thread
Anonymous 14 year

Actually we would like to include your vi programs along with our Labview API download as that might be the most appropriate place! Is that ok with you?

If so could you use the contact form and send us a quick email? We'd like to return the favor.

Robot_food from United States  [3 posts] 14 year
heres the latest program.

use get_ror_var.vi to fetch any variable from roborealm and use it directly in labview.  You can e-mail questions to:

da8374nek2390etn5860er@gmail.com (please remove numbers first!)
Jks10762 from United States  [1 posts] 12 year
I know this thread is old but I'm having problems getting this to work. I get an error in the VI and im not quite sure why. When I test the API I am getting increasing image count numbers and the VI says no errors in but I get TCP Write in get_ror_var.vi in the output. Do I just have somthing in the wrong location or what is the deal? Thanks if anyone responds to this.
Anonymous 12 year

You have to use the get_ror_var_tester.vi to run. You will need to configure the Port to 6060 and ensure that RR is activated and has the API enabled and set to port 6060 too.

The TCP Write error is due to the connection ID not being initialized to an open socket. That is done in the _tester.vi which calls what you are running.


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