Roborealm with Matlab
Wenderson Soares from Brazil  [11 posts]
14 year
I`ve just followed the procedures to mex the Roborealm and matlab, but appeard some errors on the compile:

mex roborealm.cpp
Borland C++ 5.5 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2451 RoboRealm.cpp 125: Undefined symbol 'mwSize' in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2379 RoboRealm.cpp 125: Statement missing ; in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2451 RoboRealm.cpp 126: Undefined symbol 'Dims' in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2379 RoboRealm.cpp 164: Statement missing ; in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2379 RoboRealm.cpp 639: Statement missing ; in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
Error E2379 RoboRealm.cpp 734: Statement missing ; in function mexFunction(int,mxArray_tag * *,int,const mxArray_tag * *)
*** 6 errors in Compile ***

  Somebody have any idea why is occuring that?

Anonymous 14 year
Seems like you are missing some include files along with Matlab.

You might try adding

#define mwSize int

at the top of the file. Note that you are using a really old version of Borland as the compiler so it may be an incompatibility there. Also note that we are not 100% sure that a mwSize is an int ... it appears to be but there was probably a reason that they used an alternative type ... but it is worth a try to see if that gets it to compile.


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