API error message
from Australia  [87 posts]
14 year
I've downloaded a new RR version and ran the API example, but I get an error message. The image is attached below.


Anonymous 14 year
If you look at the line

rr.open("path to RR");

your path is probably different than ours. If you already have RR running you can comment out that line.

from Australia  [87 posts] 14 year
The RoboRealm location is the same,

rr1.open("C:\\Program Files\\RoboRealm\\RoboRealm.exe", PORTNUM);

Anonymous 14 year
Try quoting the path (since Program Files has a space in it) as in

rr1.open("\"C:\\Program Files\\RoboRealm\\RoboRealm.exe\"", PORTNUM);


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