Nxt suddenly not working
Robo2005 from Qatar  [1 posts]
15 year
Suddenly when I was downloading Frimware (NXT 2.0) to my robot (NXT) it turned off and not works again !! nothing displayed on its screen at all ! I NEED HELP !!!
Anonymous 15 year
Hi Robo,

We're not heard of that issue before. Seems like that is a serious error in that only part of the firmware may have made it. This is definitely an issue you will have to check with Lego with as this is beyond our understanding of the internals of the NXT.

Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
Sam thing happened to me! It just turned off and didn't work! Can I just ask what did you do to fix it? (I know this has nothing to do with roborealm....sorry STeven, I just need help...but I am using the NXT with roborealm)
Sam R.
Anonymous 15 year
That is not unexpected. If any failure happens when uploading firmware to any robot problems arise ... that's why the typical advise is not to do that over wireless networks as they are more prone to failure than wired networks.

Unfortunately that does not help you much with your issues.

Have you tried to reinstall the firmware? Does the NXT respond at all in this mode? Do you see anything on the NXT LCD screen?

Try pressing the reset button for 5+ seconds using a paper clip which should put the NXT into a firmware download mode. Then try the download again.

The reset button is way back in the lego column just next to the USB connector. Shine a light down that column and you should see it. (Thus the need for a paper clip to hold it down for 5+ seconds).

Samuel Rosenstein from United States  [30 posts] 15 year
The NXT won't turn on, and I hear soft beeps and cracks from the speaker. I haven't been able to download the firmware because the Mindstorms program doesn't recognize the NXT on the USB port. I will try the Reset button idea, but I think my reset button is behind the batteries.... I'll say if it worked or not.
Sam R.

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