how to capture video with roborealm
satyros from Greece  [4 posts]
15 year
Hello!How can i capture(write)video with what the robot see in roborealm?I'm using SRV-1 surveyor.Is there any button like snap to take video like for example the video in Surveyor SRV-1 maze?
Anonymous 15 year
Yes, there is a "snap" button in the main RR interface that can do this assuming you are connect to the SRV1. You can also just press the save button and specify something like image.jpg (the extension is the important part) and that will save what currently is in view in the main RoboRealm image.

Also, you could add the Write_AVI module which when the start button is pressed in that interface will record the entire movie sequence.

Anonymous 15 year
thank you steven!

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