Finding 3 targets
Hein van den Broek from Netherlands  [6 posts]
15 year

My name is Hein van den Broek and i'm making a schoolproject. We need to make a tennisball shooter that can shoot through 3 holes of different sizes (400, 300, 200 mm ). The board is made of plywood and it is in its original woodcolor and it is 3 meters away from the camera.

Now is my question: Can I let the roborealm software automaticaly find the 3 holes and aim the barrel towards the holes and let the software give an electronic signal to the PLC so the PLC can handle the shooting?

So the software needs to track down the 3 holes one at a time and shoot each time it changes target.

it is for a schoolproject for the studie engineering, so i don't have any experience with computer programming.

Thank you very much.

Grtz Hein van den Broek

PS. Sorry for my bad englisch.
Anonymous 15 year

You can probably use the canny module followed by the circle module to find the 3 holes. But if you include an image first of the setup from the viewpoint of the shooter that will be much more helpful in determining what technique to use.

I assume your PLC device can pickup serial signals from the PC? Or is it OSC based?

Hein van den Broek from Netherlands  [6 posts] 15 year

Thanks for the reply.

Yes my plc has a serial connector on it.

Tommorow I wil go back to school an will shoot some pictures from the targets and I wil look what the model number of the plc is, I know the brand is Siemens.

Could the roborealm software also control/steer a plc, so I can control the shooter with the plc an i dont need something like the sabertooth controller to control de motors on the aiming system?

Grtz Hein van den Broek

Anonymous 15 year

Yes, please do take some pictures.

Don't worry about the model # of the PLC as that isn't going to help us much. You might be able to use the PLC instead of something like the sabertooth controller but that's beyond our understanding. As we don't have access to your PLC device you will have to determine on your own if the right signals can be sent from the PLC to an appropriate DC motor. You will have to design the program that runs on the PLC that listens to a serial device for specific commands that are then translated to motor movements. Naturally with a sabertooth that is already done for you.

Hein van den Broek from Netherlands  [6 posts] 15 year
Hello STeven,

Here's a picture of the setup. I hope you can make something of it, i can't, becouse the canny module won't find the edges of the circles.

Could the software track 3 green laserpoints being formed as a triangle, so that the 3 points show up on the wood and that the roborealm software can pick the middele of the triangle so it still aimes at the middel of the target?

Grtz Hein van den Broek

The first picture shows the board from de perspective of the shooter, the second wan is more detailed one of the board.
Hein van den Broek from Netherlands  [6 posts] 15 year

Sorry, but i haven't payed attention while reading the laser tracking documentation, so I didn't read that the software is programmed to only track red laser dots.

But my question stays the same: Can roborealm find the middle of the 3 laserpoints so i can aim the gun using that module?

Grtz Hein van den Broek
Hein van den Broek from Netherlands  [6 posts] 15 year
I saw that the photo's haven't been uploaded.


Anonymous 15 year

Could you try once more to upload the images? The [image_num] is optional but you do need to specify the images in the upload box below the question/comment text area.

While the tutorial is for red dots a change to the robofile configuration will allow for any other color or many other objects to be tracked. The possibilities are too many to provide without having an image example which helps to ground the solution into something manageable. That's the reason we always as for example images ...


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