Human Movement Detection
Rohit from United States  [1 posts]
15 year

I am working on a project that requires me to model the background of a WebCam stream which has a lot of human movements. Once the background is obtained, I have to detect objects that have been recently added into the background.

I tried using the movement module, followed by erosion & dilation. However I am not getting a good result. Could you help in providing me a proper pipelining routine which can track human movements with good accuracy ?  
Anonymous 15 year

Yes we can but if you could include a couple images as part of your posting that would be very helpful. Basically we would need two images. One would be the ideal background and the next would be the addition of the object to be detected.

Note you can also supply a video if you do not yet have the solid background. Note that using the average module is useful in getting the background image.

Rohit from United States  [4 posts] 15 year
This is the test video I am working on.
Rohit from United States  [4 posts] 15 year
This is the test video I am working on.
Rohit from United States  [4 posts] 15 year
This video contains a subject that moves into the frame, drops an object & then leaves the frame.

I need to develop a pipeline that could detect this particular addition of object & draw a square around it.  Any help ?
Anonymous 15 year

Thanks for the video! Attached is a robofile that does the job in this video. You will have to adjust the path of the first module that loads the background image.

Basically it determines the difference between the background frame and the current frame. It then uses the flicker module to determine stable objects and replaces them with a square object ... right now we set it to fill just to make the results more visible.

Note that this works mainly because the bag is much darker than the ground it is left on. More serious tests would involve objects of similar intensity/color ... but we're not sure if that is part of your project.


Rohit from United States  [4 posts] 15 year
It works good on simple videos. I shot another video of a traffic intersection which has a mix of slow & fast moving vehicles. Again I need to model the background. I tried the Averaging Module to get the background. The issue is if I keep the previous frame comparison parameter low then slow moving traffic creeps into the background. & If I keep the parameter high then changes in background are detected very slowly.

So i thought of another way in which the background can be obtained dynamically. Detect foreground, i.e. Slow & fast moving traffic & then subtract this foreground from the most recent version of the background & then recursively execute the process. I tried the movement module, but it does not detect the moving cars with accuracy.

Couldn't Upload the video file cause of size limitations so put it on Rapidshare.


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