Missing Post  : Probes (Line Issue and Thickness Crash)
Franklin  [23 posts]
14 year


My earlier post about   - Probes (Line Issue and Thickness Crash) - seems to have vanished.  I got the email conformation when it was posted.  Has it been moved?


- Franklin
Anonymous 14 year

Apologies for that. It does appear that the post has been entirely removed. I tried to just remove just the post containing the error dump (as that was just for reference) but that seemed to have deleted the entire post. Opps!

Did you get my reply from yesterday via email with regards to that post? The two problems you mention had been solved in the latest version.

Franklin  [23 posts] 14 year

Hello Steven,

I did not see an email but thing  look good in the latest version (2.5.4).  Thanks for the fast response.

Go Team!!

- Franklin
Anonymous 14 year

Great! Thanks for following up on this post ... we'll be reviewing our delete post script to avoid this from happening again!


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