Camera Control - ImagingSource DFK 21AU04
Paul D from Canada  [45 posts]
14 year
I am using a ImagingSource DFK 21AU04 camera. Earlier versions of RoboRealm allowed for red-blue control for white balance in the camera control module via DirectX. In the more recent versions red and blue are disabled.
Has the method of polling the DirectX interface changed?
Any chance they they will be re-enabled?

Anonymous 14 year
Hi Paul,

Do you happen to know which version of RR appeared to work? We did correct an error with the whitebalance that made it appear to work but did not actually change the correct value. While we also have cameras that allow for whitebalance control via their own property pages we cannot achieve the same effect using DirectX programatically. We're not sure if this is an error of DirectX, our programming or something that the device manufacturers simply chose not to expose under DirectX.


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