Time delay problem in Roborealm
15 year
Our project is using four cameras as sensors.
The cameras will capture a panorama of ground.
We going to put some robots on the ground, and try to find them in Roborealm, and send their coordinates through sockets into our system so we can control these robots.
Now the problem is that:
There seems to be a time delay in roborealm which makes our control task impossible. The FPS is fast enough, about 2. However, when I put something under the camera, I may have to wait for about 1 or 2 sec to see it appears in the image.
Now I guess the problem is that Roborealm has its own buffer dealing with image processing work. So what we see in Roborealm is the image actually captured 2 seconds ago.
STeven, do you have any idea about how to decrease this kind of delay times.
Anonymous 15 year

This is a known issue with IP based wireless cameras and not anything to due with buffering in RoboRealm. RoboRealm uses no buffers as it is often used in realtime control of machines based on vision and any delay would cause serious issues ... as you are finding out. You can read more about your issue on a recent thread:


Basically, you will need to wire the cameras or considerably reduce the amount of data being transmitted.


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