Jason  [1 posts]
15 year
I am going to buy a Rovio, and I was wondering if I bought RR if I could use it to have Rovio follow motion.. Rovio sees something move.. then keep track of the object and move towards it?

from United States  [214 posts] 15 year
Hey Jason,

From my own experience, RoboRealm works very nicely with Rovio.  If you haven't already done so, type Rovio into the search box for this forum and you will see a number of other postings on the subject.

As for motion tracking specifically, my experience is this:  if the object you want to track is nicely colored, like a bright yellow ball, then tracking is easy with RR and Rovio.  In this case, you simply RGB filter the image on the appropriate color and have Rovio follow the COG of the object.  If however you want to track *any* moving object regardless of its color or shape, then you will likely use RoboRealm's Movement module or Optical Flow module.  The trouble is that as soon as Rovio moves to track the object, the entire visual image will move and these modules will light up like fireworks.  So you would need a way to subtract out the visual change induced by Rovio's motion so that just the movement of the object remains.  I have not yet been able to do this successfully...

Having said all that, if the object you want to track moves just a little bit at a time, then stops for a bit, then you can turn off your motion tracking routine while Rovio is moving toward the last known movement location, then turn it on again and wait for the next movement.


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