Widget from United States  [1 posts]
15 year
I'm testing out Distributor_Client and Distributor_Host over a localhost, using LZW for the best speed, as I need Real-Time video.  When I do this the received Client image flickers with black frames.  Is this a bug with the client module, or is there some way to eliminate the flicker through another module?  
I notice that if I check the "send image" option in the Client, the flicker goes away almost completely, however this also introduces some delay between the host and the client, and I need the video to be as real time as possible.  
Thank you.
Anonymous 15 year

Seems that there was an issue with the Client/Server module. The flickering you mentioned has been fixed in ver 2.2.10.

Please download and update both client and server copies (if they happen to be on different machines).

Thanks for the note!

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