Effects of CPU/Graphic card on performance
pranavtrehun007 from United Kingdom  [33 posts]
15 year
Hi STeven,

I am using RoboRealm and my robo file has about 50-60 lines of code. The problem is that my FPS has dropped to 5.5 on a AMD dual core 3600+  running at 1.9 GHz with 3GB RAM and NVidia geforce 8400GS.

So, i wanted to know if cranking up my system specs would help. If so, what should i upgrade to give me a better performance. Also, if you can share your experience using the same RoboRealm code on different PCs, it might give me a rough idea about the boost i might expect. Ideally i would like to boost it up to 20-30FPS. (ill also cut some corners in the code, but hardware is what i am concerned about right now).

It seems that roborealm doesn't exploit the graphics card. I don't know  whether this is possible or not, but maybe if some load can be transferred to the graphics card, it can give Roborealm an added advantage.

pranavtrehun007 from United Kingdom  [33 posts] 15 year
oh, and btw, i am using VISTA
Anonymous 15 year

The specs sound fine ... I would be more concerned with which modules you are using and what image size you are processing. There may be ways to increase the performance by using other modules instead of more taxing ones.

If you look at the right side of the pipeline you will see numbers in gray next to each module. These are the times each module takes to process the image. Look for those modules that are taking longer than others and see if they are really needed or can be replaced by others with less CPU requirements.

You can also post certain sections of your code to the forum here and we can take a quick look at how you are using the modules to recommend any potential speedup.

I doubt increasing the hardware would help much and RR at this moment is not utilizing any GPU processing in order to speed up the pipeline. We have found that while possible each graphic card requires specific code in order to use them appropriately which would require maintaining many versions.

Alternatively using mulitple CPU cores is also a possibility but that will depend on what module you are using as not all of them can be made paralleled.


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