Easy Vision Program Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
Is there an easy vision program to use that won't take up a lot of processor space? I need it to be able to run on a single core, or a Pentium 4. It also needs to be able to control the mouse and the keyboard of a computer. I'm 14, but I can use roborealm pretty easily (it takes up 80% of the processor), and I know VB, and I could teach myself C++ or BASIC. Please answer asap (need if in a few days). Thanks a lot!!!!!
Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
Oh sorry, I forgot to add that I still need to be able to view video and pictures will this software is running.
P.S. Is there a smaller version of roborealm?
John from Australia [13 posts] |
15 year
Well Sam you have to be a bit more clear what you
mean by an "easy vision program" and what do you
mean by "needs to be able to control the mouse and
the keyboard? There is no magic solution to how
much processor time is required except by making
your algorithms faster.
I am actually writing my own vision modules using
FreeBasic and DevCpp using the escapi.dll to access
webcams. You will learn more that way than using
modules without understanding how they work.
Write your own small version of roborealm.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
Thanks. What I mean is that I need a vision program that is easy to use. I'm not to old, 14, and I don't know to much about making my own apps or modules or even working with another vision program. Mouse and keyboard: I need an app or module that can do the same thing as "keyboard send" and "mouse (send)" in roborealm. Also, do you have a web site where I might be able to look and download at your work?
Thanks a lot,
John from Australia [13 posts] |
15 year
It seems to me that roborealm is your best choice.
If roborealm is using a 80% of your processor time
then it probably has to. I suspect their modules
are very efficient in terms of speed.
No I don't have a web site.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
What do you mean "then it probably has to"? Can I use less processor space some how? All I need to do is track a blob and correspond the mouse movement with that blob. I have got the program down, but the mouse moves way after a move my finger (the blob, I'm making a multi touch screen/table and yes, I know that there is software out there, but I need to make my own for it to count). If you don't know of another program would you know a way to do this?
John from Australia [13 posts] |
15 year
Is your program written in VB? I don't actually use VB although I played with it years ago. And do you use RR to return the COG of your finger? When you touch the table I assume somehow where your fingers touch the table they are seen by the webcam + RR as blobs?
Are you trying to do something like this:
In VB I think you move the cursor to x,y with,
SetCursorPos x, y
Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
That is exacty what I'm trying to do (I am using that web site to build the table). but to track my finger, I need some filters and then the COG of the white blobs of my fingers. When I used it on my friends computer (he has a 2gh proccesor, don't know which one) the mouse was very delayed. I need this to be perfected, and if I have to by a fast computer please give some segestions. Try your best, Thanks,
P.S. Your right about the blobs. They are circlar white blobs.
John from Australia [13 posts] |
15 year
I have no idea why the mouse is delayed. I am not an expert on modern computers and their operating systems. His computer might have a virus. Perhaps there are too many tasks running in the background. I just have no idea except it wouldn't be due to the speed of the computer's processor. I assume the webcam images are coming in at the right rate. The webcam would be the only connection that might have speed limitations that I can think of.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
Okay, thanks. So you think that roborealm should work on a slow-ish computer? Like how about a pentium 4, or a Dual Core? Thanks,
John from Australia [13 posts] |
15 year
You will have to wait for a reply from Steven as I don't know much about RR and haven't been able to get it working with my software. I don't know much about modern techniques used by the RR interface.
Blob acquisition is very fast and I did it on old slow computers so if that is all you are doing the software shouldn't be the speed problem.
Anonymous |
15 year
If you post what you have so far by pressing the save button and call it something like sam.robo (the extension is the important part) you can then post that file here in the forum. We can take a quick look and even run it on one of the slow Netbook PCs just to check if anything in RoboRealm is causing the issue.
You will also have to watch out for lighting. Low lighting often slows the camera down which will slow the entire processing down. You can verify this by untoggling the Run button in RR which stops any processing and just shows the camera image. Check the FPS in the status bar (lower part of main RR interface) and verify that the FPS is in the upper 20-30fps. If not try increasing the lighting and see if that helps.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
Thank you. If my camera has a slow FPS wil that slow down roborealm? I'm sorry that I can't post the program, my friend has the computer that I'm using right now. But I can tell you that we used something like the multi touch program that you (Steven) gave out to someone else a few years back. I will post the roborealm program as soon as I can. Thanks again,
Anonymous |
15 year
Yes, RoboRealm will not operate any quicker than the camera that feeds it. Hmm, the multi touch program should be quite fast. However, do post what you have and we'll double check that.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
Here is the program. It is not fully perfected though, and the algorithm isn't in the program yet, but I don't think that should slow it down. program.robo
Anonymous |
15 year
That script is fine. We easily get 30 fps running that robofile. Most likely it is something else that is slowing your machine down.
Perhaps you can review the FAQ at
and see if anything there helps to indicate what the problem might be.
Samuel Rosenstein from United States [30 posts] |
15 year
Okay....I tried the FPS thing but as soon as we started the program the FPS went down too 7.5 or 5. I have found that my friends computer has a 1.5Gighrz computer with 1 gig of ram. I'm not sure if that is good enough, and if it is not, then please tell me. Do you think I need a faster web cam, or a faster computer, or both? Just to add I have a budget of roughly $30. Thanks, Sam
Anonymous |
15 year
I assume you mean that the FPS was around 30.0 and when you pressed the Run button it went down to 7.5 or 5? Is this correct? Or was the initial rate before you pressed the Run button lower than 30?