best equipment for high frame rate
Jay  [5 posts]
15 year
what is the best equipment for high frame rate applications. I have an application involving high speed reactions that the current 15 fps (raw image) that i am able to achieve is insuffiecient. thank you for your time.
Anonymous 15 year
If you are looking for something cheap then you might try the Phillips 950nc camera which has a 90fps rating. Other than that check out the cameras on www.theimagingsource.com.

If you need many cameras to a single machine you may need firewire to support that data rate ... usb will not cut it.

In terms of hardware ... as fast as possible might still not be enough. It all depends on what you need to do. Many simple apps will run realtime even on something close to a netbook ... but even more apps can drag a 4quad easily. Really depends on the application.


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