Traxster Module
Shawn from United States  [5 posts]
16 year
I can run Roborealm just fine, and can load every module I have tried. However when I go to load up the traxster module Roborealm usually crashes 5-10 seconds after clicking on it. Whether I am still in the GUI for it or whether I exit back to roborealm with it in the process window. I have tried to connect the traxster to the computer before hand, make sure it is on the right port and everything, no matter what it crashes. Even when I try to open it without the traxster connected.  I don't have this problem with any of the other robot modules. Is there any help you can provide me in solving this?

Anonymous 15 year

Can you try the latest version. We are not able to replicate this but may have an idea on the area of the error. If the current version also does not work then we will send you a debug version to help track this issue down.

Shawn from United States  [5 posts] 15 year
Dear Steven,

I tried the lastest version and I just got my computer for running my robot up and running, and it is running Win XP as opposed to Vista that my laptop runs. I installed the newest version on both computer and they both still have the same error. It pops a error box up saying roborealm has caused an error and need's to close. We apologize... after clicking or having the traxster module open for 5-10 seconds.

Shawn from United States  [5 posts] 15 year
Here's screenshots if they help and I can send you the error report it generates if it would be of any help also.


Anonymous 15 year

Thanks for those.

Can you download which includes more debugging information for the Traxster module and follow these steps.

Start RoboRealm
Click on New to ensure the pipeline is empty
Click on options button->Other tab and check the "Verbose RoboRealm.log"
Click ok.
Then insert the RobConn_Traxster module.
Wait for crash.
Say ok, etc. to stop RoboRealm.

Note that the debug check is NOT saved and thus will not be on when you rerun RoboRealm again.

Then can you open the c:\roborealm.log (might be a little large) and paste the last 20 or so lines here? They are debug statements that help us understand where the error might be happening in that module.

Note that we may need to do this once or twice more.

Shawn from United States  [5 posts] 15 year
Dear Steve,

I tried exactly what you said, however there was one problem.... it never caused the error. I tried it with and without the traxster hooked up and waited 5-6 minutes afterwords each time and it never caused the error. I also tried to play with the settings and changing things to see if it would work. However, nothing. I did notice that I was not able to communicate with the traxster at all through Roborealm. So to make sure it wasn't a problem with the serializer I opened up hyperterm and connected and did a few commands and everything seemed to work fine.

    So inessence, i'm just taking a guess here...
You fixed the problem somehow? Or you disabled communicating with the serializer? Which may have been causing the problem either on my end(bad serializer or something, p.s. my serializer is the lastest version 1.5.2)? or on the programs end?

I only tried this on the vista 32 equipped computer as it takes a bit of time to set up the robots xp computer. I may give it a shot on it tomorrow or something its just a bit late tonight!

I don't really know, Hope that helps. I want to get this solved though because I would really like to use your software!

Thanks again!
Anonymous 15 year

Did you try with and without the debug checkbox on? Wondering if that made a difference. But if things don't crash we will remove the debug statements and see if that still works.

Is is also possible that versions got a little mixed up and the changes we made did not get installed on your machine the last time correctly. Sometimes the download link gets cached and your browser just gives back what it previously did as apposed to a new copy ... or maybe something else went wrong!

At any rate, let us know how it goes.

Shawn from United States  [2 posts] 15 year
Dear Steven,

I tried with and without the debug checkbox on. I also tried today on my Robot computer running XP I had the same results as I Posted last night. I made sure I deleted all the old files for roborealm before I installed it this time onto the XP platform.

I did however notice something that I did not yesterday. The variables for the motor changed inside the traxster module when I try to control them like it should be, however I was still not able to get those changes to move the robot or read anything from it. which I still image is just because it is in debug mode.

Anonymous 15 year

Even with the debug on it should have moved the robot. We have now taken out the debug statements so please download and try again ... perhaps something was fixed by adding in the debug statements?

While experimenting with the traxster we noticed that sometimes if we set everything up just right and then exited RR and restarted it would connect much quicker ... we also noticed that we can watch the red/green lights on the traxster to see them blink when we get the right COM port. Not sure if that helps at all.

Another possibility is that the serializer (the mcu in the traxster) protocol has changed and the module is no longer compatible with that. When did you purchase the traxster?

Shawn from United States  [2 posts] 15 year
Dear Steven,

Unfortunately it does not move the robot. It moves all the variables and it even ties up the com port with the serializer running on it. I tried to run another application and it told me it was busy with another application. However it still does not seem to relay the information to the serializer itself now. I tried some sample control applications and they all moved the robot, so not sure if maybe something got deleted or if there s a problem with my serializer still.

The first time I ran the program after redownloading it crashed when I opened up the serializer, however it has not crashed anymore after that? I went back in and click the log hoping it would crash again then it never did. With and without the log on. werid. Its on com port 5 everytime so I know that that is correct.

So its either something possible got messed up when you added debugging? or incompaitble versions. My version is 1.5.2 the latest one, the board was manufactured in july 2008.

As always thanks for your hard work on this problem. And all the others.

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