Deleting a processing item from pipeline
Loren John Presley from United States  [17 posts]
15 year
I'm getting a few things to work in the Python API for my robot. Like, turn the camera off, turn the camera on, and execute a red filter (via voice command). However, I would like to know if there's a way to delete a processing item from the pipeline using the API.

I know you can add processing and modify them for the pipeline, but is there a way to get rid of them if I commanded my robot to do so? Like if I said, "Disable Red Filter" could the robot delete a RGB red filter from the pipeline?

I looked at the example API python script as well as the documentation, but nothing about deleting an item. Just executing it...

Anonymous 15 year

Two new API commands have been added. See the documentation for delete_module and toggle_module in the API help doc at


We have added them to the C++ API examples but as they are quite simple in structure they should not be too hard to add to the python examples. Let us know if you need help on that.


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