Question about NXT ball picker tutorial
Green from United States  [1 posts]
15 year

I was looking through the NXT ball picker tutorial and noticed that it is running on the original lego firmware (NXT-G). Is it possible to make roborealm run and communicate with Lejos instead of NXT-G?
If so, what kind of changes need to be made? I think Lejos does not use the mailbox concept that NXT-G does.

Anonymous 15 year

That might be possible using the serial module. Assuming that Lejos has a receive serial command capability that should work. You can use the serial module to send any text out to the NXT but you'd need the appropriate Lejos application running in order to interpret that incoming data.

That's basically the way the mailbox works ... it is a serial communication but with a specialized protocol that the NXT-G understands.


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