Ignoring / Coloring Part of an Image
simmersiz from United States  [2 posts]
15 year
I'm tracking a ball through a maze (brio labyrinth board game) and want to ignore certain parts of the board (circular holes) to make it easier to track the ball (circular) using the circles module.  My camera is stationary and it would be convenient if I could specify parts of the board that I could fill in with a color (so I could then filter them) or remove.  The holes are in the middle of the board so I don' t think I can crop them out.  Any suggestions?

Anonymous 15 year

While you could do a manual flood fill at specific points you might want to try other techniques that might be more automatic in tracking the ball.

For example, the ball would be the only thing moving from one frame to the next. Thus the movement module should highlight just the ball given two frames ... one being the base maze without the ball and the other would include the ball.

Or you could try detecting all circles and filter them based on the max color. As the ball is metalic it will always have the brightest highlighted spot in comparison to the other circles.

Would either of these techniques work?


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