defect detection Sandeep Kumar Jain from India [4 posts] |
16 year
can you tell me how to find defect in component using rooborealm? say a assembled product is coming in conveyor belt . i use a camera to capture image. i have to compare it with the master image of the defect free component. then i have to say wheteher component is having any defect or not? even the alignment of component is different then also i should be able to say whether it has defect or not?
the first image that i have uploaded is master image and the second one contains some white patches in the centre . i need to compare this two images and tell whether component is defective or not? in this images alignment is same but what i want is that even is the alignment is different i should be able to find whether some defect is there or not?
Anonymous |
16 year
As the two images are aligned have you tried to use the Math module to subtract the two images from each other? And then use the Geometry or other module to quantify the value of the resulting pixels. Attached is a robofile that accomplishes this.
You will have to change the load image module to point to the correct template image (included a cropped version below). Note that this robofile assumes to test pattern is loaded as the current image.