error in opening file
Dufox from Philippines  [1 posts]
15 year
I'm currently using RR for our project. We save it time after time, we load the save robofile after the work yesterday. But error occur stating, " Invalid target <Gaussan>...</Gaussan Blur> " in opening the said file.


Anonymous 15 year

Thanks for the robofile. That helped target the issue quickly.

Seems that you went through an upgrade of RR which changed the XML format slightly and missed that particular module. We've updated RR to accept that old format for that module. So you can either download v2.0.9.7 which contains that fix or you can edit your robofile and replace the space inbetween the /Gaussian Blur with an underscore like /Gaussian_Blur which will also fix the issue.

Anonymous 15 year
thanks for the help and for free software.


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