Set Variables / Identifiction of similar blobs
15 year
hey ,

first of all i would like to say that Roborealm is an amazing software.thanks !

I have been using it for my behavioral project and have had amazing results so far.

couple of doubts though -

how do i send in a variable to Roborealm. i saw the RR API , setvariable..but i cant seem to extend it to my case

I would like to send a variable MODE at starting of each instance to enable a certain sequence of code..(I am using 2 cameras one in the front and one at the back (2 instances od roborealm)and i would like to communicate what one sees to another)
would it be something like this ?

realm.SetVariableRequest req = new realm.SetVariableRequest();
            req.Variable.Name = "MODE";
            req.Variable.Value = "1";

Also, if i have multiple blobs of same color and type,is there any way to find out the exact number of blobs ? do i have to use open module ? or somehing along those lines ??


Anonymous 15 year
ah..i forgot to to send it thru the port..my bad..
thanks ! :)

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