Alienator from United States  [1 posts]
15 year
Whenever I use the Microsoft Robotics interface I cannot see the video in the web page. When I press "Start" it stays a small black box.  When I try to start an example program RoboRealm itself configures according to the XML but still no video in the WebPage Window. I dont see any errors either.

Can anyone help me with this?
Anonymous 15 year
Do you see live video in RoboRealm when trying this? I.e. the roborealm application needs to be running in order for live video to be sent to the browser. Try first getting video to show in the RR application by connecting it to a webcam. Then ensure that the API (Options button->API tab) is enabled. Then go back to the MSRDS and reload that page.

Note that this is a little different than using the webcam service built into the MSRDS system as the MSRDS is actually connecting to the RoboRealm application which is connecting to the webcam. This allows you to either work with RR from the MSRDS app or from the RR GUI ... or both! But in order for the MSRDS to work RR needs to be running. If you need the application GUI to disappear you'd have to purchase the commercial version which includes a faceless mode ... but other than that the functionality is the same.

Ross from United Kingdom  [2 posts] 15 year
I unfortunately just created a new post before finding this one ( I did look for previous post before creating a new one)
But i am experiencing the exact same problem.
RR works perfectly, links to camera (both of them) and is running live.
i run the DSS XML, while RR is still running and streaming, but no image or variables in the RoboRealm web viewer. I'm also able to change example program via the web interface.
Anonymous 15 year
It appears that if RR is running when you start the interface manifest it will close the current running instance. You have to manually start it again.
Anonymous 15 year
Hi all,

Looks like a couple changes are needed to the Interface.cs (if you are running that project) in order to make the camera awake. You need to add the following lines in the Start function

            _frameGrabber.SetCapture(true, true);
            _frameGrabber.SetConnectionProperties("localhost", 6060);

just after the

            _frameGrabber.CaptureFrame += OnCaptureFrame;


There are also a couple changes needed to the Interface.xlst that MS has made which cause our verision not to work anymore. This has all been updated and uploaded to the site. Please download the MSRDS package again to get all those changes or try just the above. Note that in the other projects like the GetVariables one it does have these lines in it ... only the Interface.cs did not.


We also caught the line that caused the closing of RR when executing the project. This was a typo in the FrameGrabber class that should be

        public void CheckCapture()
            if (this._capturing) { return; };

as apposed to

            if (!this._capturing) { return; };

the difference being the '!' in the line. The opposite logic was required.

Scott from United States  [1 posts] 15 year
I just downloaded RR a few days ago and I seem to be having the same problem Ross has previously described. RR is started (with API server running) and working fine, DSS Host is started and runs fine without errors, but when I goto http://localhost:50000/roborealm, it just displays the same page as http://localhost:50000. It doesn't show the RR interface like the tutorial shows. Any suggestions?
Anonymous 15 year

Did you first Create the RoboRealm Interface it in the Control Panel? The old format of just using the http://localhost:50000/roborealm/ does not appear to work anymore (MS change not ours). You will have to see the link in the control panel and will look something more like


and click on that instead.


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