Other Programming Language for running scripts
Dario Mirkovski from Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic  [20 posts]
15 year

I saw the tutorials about the Vbscript Program integrated int RoboRealm. Was wondering if there an option (i did not find any) that would let me use Java instead of Visual Basic.

If not, i have to translate Java into Visual basic?

Thank you in advance,

Anonymous 15 year
Look at the API http://www.roborealm.com/help/API.php, you can also download exapmples of the other languages from there as well
Dario Mirkovski from Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic  [20 posts] 15 year
http://www.roborealm.com/downloads/Extensions.zip, does not work. Error, when i try to download extensions where java is included.

Any other help or anyone who can fix this ?

Thank you
Anonymous 15 year
Try instead


We had changed the name recently and you probably tried downloading during that website update.

Let me know if this does not work for you.


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