Roborealm sending out serial without a screen
15 year
I was wondering if its possible to keep the camera recording, and sending data over a serial connection, while the screen doesnt display the actual image.
This is so that the CPU doesnt have to process the image, when its not needed.

So basicly, possible to run RR with the camera screen turned off?

Thanks in advance,

Anonymous 15 year

Yes, you have a couple possibilities here. If you look at the options button->Other tab you can stop the preview of the image while still continuing to process and send out serial commands.

If you are looking to reduce CPU overhead when not needed you can surround all modules in the pipeline with a conditional IF statement which would turn on/off the processing based on some variable ... others have done a similar trick by using the API to stop the pipeline running which is the same as untoggling the Run button.

How would you know when the image is not needed or when it is? Is that something that would come over the serial connection? If so then the conditional variable trick based on a value coming in from the serial module should do the trick. Just be sure not to surround the serial module with the conditional too! ... otherwise the variable will never change.


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