Interfacing RR with MATLAB using TCP/UDP/IP Toolbox?
simmersiz from United States  [2 posts]
15 year
Has anyone managed to interface RR with MATLAB using the TCP/UDP/IP toolbox available at http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/345?

The code that Mehdi posted doesn't work without the Instrument Control Toolbox, which is not available to me.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Anonymous 15 year
Try downloading the API.zip again from


as it now contains a Matlab folder which has a RoboRealm.dll mex file that you can use directly in Matlab to communicate to RoboRealm. See the test.m file in that same folder for some examples.

Should work better than using the toolboxes which you may or may not have.


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