Stepper motor.....help needed
15 year
My objective is to run a stepper motor....with its driver ic L298....to run the motor in step....the input to the stepper motor should be in sequence....ie

There r four inputs A,B,C,D for the driver ic......

The sequence is as follows....

A (on)

wait for 50ms


wait for 50ms


wait for 50ms


wait for 50ms


wait for 50ms

so it goes on like a sequence.....

using vbscript help needed in delays for 50ms
and to execute the commands in sequence
Anonymous from United Kingdom  [99 posts] 15 year
I don't think roborealm will give you the timing that you need.  What you need is an external board with a serial bridge.  You already have the 298 to drive the stepper.  How is the 298 interfaced to the PC?  

Typically you will use a micro (PIC or Atmel) to process the serial command from the PC and generate the appropriate timings to drive the 298.  

Roborealm would communicate via the serial port extension.  You would pass a "1" to your micro to set your micro to stepping forward, a "2" would reverse and a "0" would stop.  

Here is an example:

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