Problem using API (newbie)
15 year
I am having a problem using API code given in the samples.(I am using MSVC++).When I compile and execute main.cpp I get the error saying Image file name missing.I am not able to understand how to use this program to read the COG_X and C0G_Y variables and use them?

Please help.
Anonymous 15 year
Can you post your code?
Anonymous 15 year

The example API main.cpp will try to load an image and send it to RR. So if you just run the example main.cpp without modification the code will most likely not work as you will not have the example image in the right path location.

You need to look at main.cpp and remove most of the test code (shown there so you know how to use that code) and just focus on the basic GetVariable and SetVariable routines.

So the actual code will look something like

Connect to RR (you still need that code).
Use Set or Get variable
Close connection.


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