Parallel port interface with multiple instance of roborealm
15 year
My objective is to create a robot........which travels in a black road with white background........and if there is a turn then image on the floor will be displayed
in the figure....


In one instance of roborealm, it detects the track....
In second instance of roborealm, it detects for the orientation in shape matching module......

In the first instance of roborealm, it will send the data to

When the second instance detects the arrow it can communicate with the first instance or even with parallel port......

what should i have to do......
Anonymous 15 year
it cant send data to parallel port, with two instance of roborealm....
Anonymous 15 year
You cannot have two processes communicate to the same parallel port at the same time ... windows does not allow this.

You probably do not need to use 2 instances of RoboRealm. Use only one and use the Marker module to switch images to another camera. Then all the logic can be in one instance with one parallel port module for communication.

Anonymous 15 year
thank you very much

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