getImage crashes Roborealm
Emil Valkov  [16 posts]
15 year

I'm using the API In my C++ program, talking to RR v2.0.0.0 using getImage
In my .robo file I have a marker "Cam1" which is a 352x288 image
and the final image, result of Mosaic, which is 1280x480

If I do (1):
int width = 352;
int height = 288;
api.getImage("Cam1", data, &width, &height, 352 * 288 * 3, "RGB");

RoboRealm crashes.

However if I do (2): (after restarting RR)
int width = 1280;
int height = 480;
api.getImage(data, &width, &height, 1280 * 480 * 3);

(Note that the 2 getImage calls are not the same calls)

it works, and any following calls to (1) no longer crash, and return the expected data.

In essence, doing (1) cold turkey crashes RoboRealm.
But doing (2) works, and also fixes any subsequent calls to (1).

Disclaimer: New Year festivities resulted in ingestion of questionable beverages in large quantities. I sincerably, sincereeblee... Well I do hope this didn't impair the reliability of this bug report :)

Happy New Year !


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