RR with Axis Video server?
Tom B  [1 posts]
15 year
Hi All,

I have a robot with an Axis 4-stream video server (241QA) which is hooked to analog cameras.  The server converts these to streaming data which is sent over a 10-base-T connection to the robot's computer, and then through the computer wireless LAN to an external webpage.  Basically it's a video surveillance system.

Can RR interface to this?  It would be nice to run RR on the robot's computer, do some pre-processing or analysis of frames grabbed from the stream.  
Anonymous 15 year

Most of these kinds of IP cameras support MJPEG (this one does too) which in theory will work with RR HTTP_READ module assuming you know the correct URL to use. The best way to ensure this is to see if you can find someone else that has that camera and made it available over the web.  Then you can try to get RR to access that image given the appropriate URL.

Or if you already have the camera and things don't work and can make it available over the web we can try to see if we can get things to work. Most of these cameras have one or two "issues" that we normally have to work around.


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