Logitech Orbit/Sphere AF Properties not change by API
15 year
I'm working with the Logitech Orbit/Sphere AF camera and the controls work fine for the pan/tilt/zoom in RoboRealm, but when I attempt to get or update the pan/tilt/zoom values from the API they always come back as 0.

I tried changing them through the API without success and I also panned and tilted the camera to ensure that the values I'd get back from the get_camera_properties would show as something other than 0, but they always return 0 for the <value>.
Anonymous 15 year
Wait.  I take some of that back.  Apparently, if I set the <zoom> property from the API it actually correctly applies it in RoboRealm.  However, it still returns <value>0</value> for the property when I get it back.

Setting the <pan> and <tilt> values seems to do nothing though.
Anonymous 15 year

What module are you using? The camera_properties module?

Can you include the robofile that you are using and perhaps what API call you are using too?

Anonymous 15 year
Yes, sorry.  Knew I should have included that from the beginning.  I'm not using any robofile, just straight launch and then invoke the API calls in Java (based off of the RR_API.java sample).  Note, also making calls through this API successfully to the Sabretooth module (removed it and calls to test the camera). Also noticed that Here's my output from my test app:

Connecting to RoboRealm API at (localhost:6060)...

Getting Current Camera...
<response>QuickCam Orbit/Sphere AF</response>

Getting Camera Properties...




Setting Camera Properties...



Getting Camera Properties...


Anonymous 15 year
Sorry, cut myself off there.  Also noticed that RoboRealm seems to crash frequently when making these calls.  Not all the time, so far I'd guess about 20-30% of the time.  Don't know if that's related or something else going on.
Anonymous 15 year
Nevermind.  I noticed the Logitech Orbit Tutorial and realized that I needed to load the Logitech Orbit control module and then issue the setVariable("command","0").

Anonymous 15 year

Thanks for the follow up ... your post had confused us a little bit. :-)


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