using a axon microcontroller
fred miller from United States  [72 posts]
15 year
i heard from another forum that you might have a interface to the axon microcontroller,do you know  when that will be done
the reason i like the axon microcontroller board is can handle many servos and 16 a-d inputs,looking to use it for my arm for my robot design using roborealm
Anonymous 15 year

We do not have a specific module in development to the axon micro but do have a serial module which might be capable of interfacing to that microcontroller. However, we will also check with SoR to see if we can create a specialized module for that controller but given the current backorders this will take a while.

fred miller from United States  [72 posts] 15 year
ok thanks Steven
looks like a good interface to roborealm,because can drive many servos,and pressure sensors ,temp and more
i dont need it for awhile since i getting my midsize leaf bot with roborealm almost done and this is for my beer-bot,have tiny camera's for each hand and by using your great roborealm software with that module will be great ,havent bought the board yet
another question on the module,can 2 roborealms software work together,one for head and another with 2 camera,s for hands ,might need head and 1 or 2 hand camera,s working at the same time
Anonymous 15 year
Yes, two separate instances of RR can run at the same time. Check the Options interface in the Startup tab to enable that.

But you should not need more than one instance running as you can always use the Marker module to switch images to another camera. RoboRealm can access many cameras at once ... but obviously you only see one at a time unless you use something like the Mosaic module to select multiple images.

Regardless, one instance for two cameras should not be an issue. Just process the first as needed and then switch to the second one using the Marker module to continue processing that camera.

FYI, we are working with SOR to best understand how to create an interface with RR and the Axon.


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