Sending data to serial port
Paul D from Canada  [45 posts]
15 year
I have a USB realy switch on com3 that I am trying to control in RoboRealm.

The console area works great but I cannot get Send Sequence to work with a variable. The commands are:

ON:  \xFF\x01\x01  or \255\01\01
OFF:  \xFF\x01\x00 or \255\01\00

When I use the variable V_BELT in the send sequence the relay doesn't respond. The data logged in the console window appears the same; lines 459 and 460 are manually and have the desired effect:

Module Started ...
00459: \255\1\0
00460: \255\1\1
00461: \255\01\01
00462: \255\01\00
00463: \255\1\1
00464: \255\1\0

This the serial module code:

  <port>COM3 - USB Serial Port</port>

I can resort to using MSCOMM in a vbscript module but I would prefer to stick with the serial module.

Any ideas.
Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year
The variable V_RELAY is the ASCII string \255\01\01.

It serial module seems to be sending the string as ASCII as the console displays the leading zeroes.
Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year
Figured it out.

In the send sequence I put


V_BELT is either 01 to turn the relay on (closed) or 00 to turn it off (open).

I guess the send sequence is not intended to parse strings.

I found the realy board on e-bay. They come in in 1, 2 and 8 channels from:


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