Serial Communication
Paul D from Canada  [45 posts]
15 year
I am trying to read information from a SICK CLV430 barcode scanner into a RoboRealm variable without success.

In the serial communications window, the port setting are correct and the Console says that it is connected. But nothing appears in the RoboRealm console when the scanner sends data.

I have used WedgeLink to emulate a keyboard but I wouyld prefer to read the serial data directly.

The ascii data as seen the CLV step is:


Am I missing something?
Anonymous 15 year
We're not familiar with that barcode scanner. Do you have any source code for interfacing with that scanner? We can take a quick look to see what might be different in RR's module as to why it does not work.

If you can also include the robofile that you've used in testing that would help us to.

Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year
Today I tried a different model - SICK CLV430 - and the RoboRealm console shows data being received. There must be something different in its output.

Now I just have to figure out how to get the output into a variable.

The RoboRealm Console shows:

00125: <cr>
00126: \3\2TT=___10ms MG=_69% n=_1 AK=1<cr><lf>
00127: BF14242<cr><lf>
00128: C128 _42% ST=0 CP=_27 CL=_7 CA=__7 CS=__3 CK=__2 DI=R<cr><lf>
00129: <lf>

The barcode data is BF14242
Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year


We have found the CLV430 to be a very quick and reliable barcode scanner for conveyor applications:

Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year

The Barcode scanner was outputting tecnical data over its terminal port.

I set the terminal port to output data only and the data is now read directly into the variable as intended.

Anonymous 15 year
That's great! Thanks for following up with your progress on the forum. I'm sure others will find it useful.

Also, what kind of barcodes are you reading? UPC? Or other? The reason I ask is this is an area of development for us, i.e. reading barcodes using a webcam and we're looking for uses and examples of what that could be used for.

Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year
I am using RoboRealm to test if Imaging Source USB cameras provide a good enough picture and are fast enough to evaluate the products.  So far they are fine.

I use the SICK barcode scanner to identify the item on a conveyor when I analyze the images. The serial module elimiates the need for WedgeLink or similar serial port monitor which emulate keyboards.

The barcodes encoded using code 128. I haven't tried using a camera to decode the barcode but it's a thought.  Unfortunately, one camera cannot do the work; the end which provides the best view of the product is the opposite end to the barcode.

Anonymous 15 year
Thanks for describing the project! We'll keep code 128 in mind when developing the barcode reader.

Let us know if you have any other issues.


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