Possible to Disable Snap in Kiosk mode?
Paul from Canada  [1 posts]
15 year
I am integrating Roborealm into a conveyoy application that receives information from a bar code scanner.

During testing I am simply using vbscript to input the information.

Roborealm is running in Kiosk mode and has focus.
I display the input box to get the ID oof the next item to process.

If the barcode is read twice it causes problems.
Codes that start with an "a" will cause a snapshot - even if the buttons are not shown.
I have also had the programming pipeline cleared (not sure why).

Is there a way to prevent any changes to the pipeline?
Can I prevent the Snap and Save buttons from being pressed.
Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year
I have avoided the problem by using the serial port extension to directly read the data.

Previously, it was a USB scanner that emulates the keyboard.  The keystrokes from the barcode caused the Snap and Save keys to be pressed.
Anonymous 15 year

I realize that you probably don't need it but we added an option to ignore keyboard shortcuts when in Kiosk mode. Seemed to make sense since one would not want the user to have that kind of control.

thanks for the suggestion!

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