Set Variable
Ashok E from India  [5 posts]
15 year
can you add setting timed variable functionality to the Set Variable module in the statements section. Also it would be great if there was a function that sets a value to a variable only for the amount of time given.... sort of opposite of Set Timed variable... This can be used to pause our bots while picking up something....
Anonymous 15 year

Can you provide an quick example of where you would want this Set Variable functionality using a robofile? We just want to make sure we understand the reason for your request.

In terms of the opposite of the timed variable, what would the variable be set to after the timeout period? Would it just be erased?


Ashok E from India  [5 posts] 15 year
We intend to pick an obkect from a place and drop it somewhere else by going through  the following steps...
1) Go to object.
2)Stop the bot for a while (using timed variable) and lock the arm.(The arm motor must be actuated only for a cetrain time interval so as to prevent the motor from stalling )
3)Go to to the destination and then actuate the arm in the reverse direction.

and for reverse of the timed variable, what I needed was to stop the bot for some time and then revert back to the original state....
Ashok E from India  [5 posts] 15 year
And the reason why I'm not using the SetTimedVariable in the Vbsript itself is that it seems to stop working when we change the values ang give a reload and run in the vbscript program.....

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