EB500 Boe Bot
Bruno Tardat from Sweden  [8 posts]
15 year
I am trying to get communication between Roborealm and the Boe-Bot BS2 trhough the eb500-SR bluetooth module.
Carrying all tests related to the module would go allright but using the Roborealm control module would not work.
The eb500-SR would receive blips of command and toogle the led on and off, sometimes acting the servos/sound in small jumps somehow related to the position of the cursors.
It does not matter if i set the communication on or not, Roborealm would put the communication on now and then.
What could i possibly do to make this work?
Thanks a lot for any help and for a great vision program!
Anonymous 15 year
Hi Bruno,

   Can you follow the steps outlined in the link below and let us know if your still having issues with the boe bot

Bruno Tardat from Sweden  [8 posts] 15 year
I will try to go through it but it seemed complicated for a guy like me *S*
Bruno Tardat from Sweden  [8 posts] 15 year
I ran the http://www.roborealm.com/forum/program.php?post_id=17276 file with the good BS2 code in the stamp. I had no problems and it works like a charm. But i want to run the bot from the Roborealm Boe Bot module, i do not have the necessary knowledge do do something as the red tracking bot through serial. I meant to play and start off with the red marks path following tutorial but i was not prepaired to rebuild this as a serial protocol trough the EB500. I donĀ“t even understand if the guys in the thread came up with a solution for using the BOE BOT module directly... *S*
Bruno Tardat from Sweden  [8 posts] 15 year
I did ommit the whiskers and the IR detector circuit, can that have anything to do with my problem?

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