Samuel from Brazil  [3 posts]
15 year
I'm not able to change the parameters of Auto_Threshold by API in VB.NET, someone could help me?

Thank you,
Anonymous 15 year

Which parameter are you trying to change using what API call?

Perhaps you can include the XML or API call that you are using that you are having issues with.

Samuel from Brazil  [3 posts] 15 year
I'm using: rr.execute("<Auto_Threshold><Cluster/></Auto_Threshold>")

I need to use a Auto_Threshold with Cluster(Otsu). But, I don't know to use this parameter.

Thansk for help.
Anonymous 15 year

The easiest way to find out the correct XML string is to configure the module in the GUI, save the configuration as a .robo file and then load in that configuration using a text editor. You will see the XML that you need to send. For example the following


is what gets saved in a auto_threshold. There is normally more in that file than you need (depending on the config) so in your case all you need is


and that should do the trick.


Samuel from Brazil  [3 posts] 15 year
Thank's for your help Steven,

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