Serial Receive sequence
Gary  [5 posts]
15 year

I'm new to RoboRealm, it's way cool! I have been using the Serial module to send/receive data with a BS2, it's working pretty good except for the receive variable keeps appending data, the variable just gets very long. It appears that RR recognizes the line feed character (10) from the BS2 because it creates the variable. If I look at the Available Variables in the VBscript module I can see that the sequence of data sent from the BS2 looks like 1|2|3|4|5|6.... all packed onto one line with the Hex 10 character in between the data points, instead of the variable updating from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to.... etc. on each scan. My Receive Sequence looks like this:


Thanks for any help,

Gary  [5 posts] 15 year
Ok, So, now I feel silly. All I had to do was leave off the "\\n" or any slashes or n's.

Thanks for making a great program!

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