Need Help With Red Tracking Vbs
Shane from United States  [2 posts]
15 year
Hi Steven,
I have been pretty vague in my last post here is what i am doing: Building an automatic paintball gun that will track moving objects. The camera will be mounted so that it is not mounted on the gun and will not move with it, (stationary along the axis of the gun). I have not built the rig yet because i am trying to get my parts to work first.

What i was wondering is how you would modify the vbscript for the Orbit Camera red ball tracking tutorial, so that it would work with a parallax usb servo controller.

Thanks for the help!
Anonymous 15 year
First off, delete the orbit module and add in the Parallax module. Then you'll have to change the VBScript to operate on a left and right motor variable value (see the green ball tracking tutorial). From there you'd map those variables to the appropriate Parallax servo values.

Note that the robofile that you uploaded uses a single variable to command the orbit since it does not have a variable position value and is more of a "move a bit" kind of control and thus a single variable can be used. The parallax has a more complex command structure and thus requires two variables.


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