Int32 and Strings.
Jesús Gil Maqueda from Spain  [5 posts]
15 year

I am a novice with RR and MSRS (1.5). I am beginning to use RR with MSRS for the development of a homemade robot.
I do not have many ideas of how to make new services, manifest, etc.. But what if he succeeded in changing a variable "string" with the value of COG_X, etc..
From what I've seen, the best and most favorable way is to work with variables "Int32". I tried to develop with MSRS but I am not capable. I am not an expert on anything these issues, but very interested.

I wonder whether there was any example of how the service MSRS RoboRealmInterface is capable of converting a variable inlet type "string" and return "Int32".

Thanks for your help. Greetings.
Anonymous 15 year
Yes, but in the Program.cs example of the API (not in the MSRS interface).

But it is a simple conversion using

int i = Convert.ToInt32(string)

Jesús Gil Maqueda from Spain  [5 posts] 15 year
Thanks Steven.

Ok, but even so I can not get anything because the RoborealmInterface of MSRS does not support anything other than Strings.
Probe (though a little difficult for me) to create a new service to convert after RRInterface Strings variables to Int32.

Thank you again.
Anonymous 15 year

I'm not sure what you're getting at ... why can't you just use the Convert class to change the String into an Int? Simply use the RRInterface to get the variable as a string and then convert that into an int?

Perhaps I am not understanding your issue correctly. Can you provide an example?


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