Lego_NXT apparent bug
15 year
While debugging some code today I was a redobject tracking, vbscript, and lego nxt module.  After setting the second motor control to a variable, my fps dropped to < 5 fps.

I closed the lego nxt module window, and the fps shot up to 30 contstant.

I opened the window again and the fps dipped.

I'm not sure if it was an isolated incident or a bug with the module.
Anonymous 15 year

The LegoNXT interface is somewhat taxing on the CPU as it needs to constantly update a lot of the UI based on what is happening in the NXT. Thus, we optimize things when the interface is closed which is why the increase in FPS is evident. So this is actually by design and not a bug .. but thanks for the question as this is not immediately apparent when using the interface.

Anonymous 15 year

Thanks for the info good sir, always helpful!

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