Cameras form The Imaging Source company
15 year
I see that The Imaging Source is listed as one of the RR partners. Can RR fully utilize their camera capabilities such as the frame rate, exposure time control and pixel (10 bit) resolution?
Anonymous 15 year
Frame rate: yes
Exposure time: yes
10 bit color resolution: no (this is due to RR only using 8 bit per color or 24bits)

Note that the only Imaging Source camera tested with RoboRealm is the DBX 21BF04-Z

We recommend that you contact TIS in order to verify that the camera you are ordering actually works with RoboRealm. We only had the one on loan and did not have access to the other cameras to test. We will naturally be willing to work with you and TIS to accommodate your requirements within reason.

Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year
I have Imaging Source USB 640x480 cameras - DFK 21AU04.

The DirectShow interface's exposure setting in the cameras control module does not allow for fine tuning. The exposure is adjusted as an integer. the setting -6 is 1/64 of a second and  -7 is 1/128.  The camera driver allow for any value in between.

The imaging Source has a discussion about this on their website:

The Physical values (DirectShow standard):
-11 to 4, where the exposure time is calculated as 2^n = seconds, e.g n=-6 =>2^-6 = 1/64 seconds

Is there a way in RoboRealm to use the register method of exposure control?
Anonymous 15 year

As we don't have one of those cameras we will have to rely on your experiences to help us through this.

If I understand your post correctly you are not able to use the Exposure setting using the Camera_Properties module when using this camera? I.e. that option is grayed out? Or is it not allowing for values between -6 and -7?

If the case is where the Exposure control is just grayed out then you'd probably need to contact Imaging Source to update their DirectX driver.

Also, if you change the exposure control using their provided interface and then use RoboRealm does that value get reset? I realize this is not an ideal way to set the exposure but am just curious to see if it gets reset when RR starts up.

Paul D from Canada  [45 posts] 15 year

I am trying to create a routine to calibate the camera exposure using an 18% grey card which requires very fine tuning.

The Cmaera Properties module does allow for setting of exposure but in the range -13 to 4 using the DirectShow interface. The ImagingSource calls this "physical values". Moving from -6 (1/64 of a second) to -7 (1/128) is a huge adjustment. This is apparently inherent in the DirectShow interface.

The Video Capture Properties allows direct entry of 1/60 sec, 1/61 sec, 1/62 sec ...

I am trying to do color sampling and exposure is critical.

If I use Video Capture Properties to set exposure to 1/90 sec and run RoboRealm with the Camrea Properties module, the exposure stays at 1/90. If I open the Camera Properties dialog and adjust the gain, the exposure also stays unchanged at 1/90.  

Their cameras provide 3 interfaces to adjust exposure:

Physical (-13 to 4)
Register (4000 to 1, time is 1/n sec)
Absolute (widest range 0.0001 to 30.0, time is float value 0.3333 = 1/33 sec)

I guess this would require a camera-specific module to use the alternate interfaces. It appears that the interface is the same for their USB and Firewire cameras and provides for a querying the min and max values available which can change by model.

They provide code to use the Absolute interface:

I will try to write the auto-calibration routine in VB.
Anonymous 15 year

Thanks for the info. Yes, it does appear that we are held hostage by the DirectX interface and the only way around is to use their DCam interface software to connect directly to the camera. Unfortunately we only had the camera on loan and we no longer have the device to test this interface.

Hopefully your VB efforts are more successful!


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