Re: RR Crashing With Parallax USB Servo
Vince from Australia  [4 posts]
17 year
Hi I have just downloaded RR and when I select the parallax modulal and then select the com port the program crashes and closes.

Any ideal?

Parallax Com port change
17 year
Hi Vince,

There was an issue. We made an update and have uploaded the fix. Please download RR and try again.

Vince from Australia  [4 posts] 17 year
I have downloaded the new version and it is not crashing,
however I have set it to the com port that the parallax PSC would normally use and set the port speed to 2400 but there is no movement from the servos.

Also when I click cancel in the parallax modual or try and close it robot realm locks up and won't close.
Any one have any ideas?

Also is it possible to control the servos with a joystick via this software?

Is there any plans to release a modual to control cannon SLR digital cameras? similar to what breeze systems have?

Anonymous 17 year

We're currently looking into the other parallax issues. There seems to be an issue with the timeout of serial communications with the parallax. This is most probably related to your issue of not being able to communicate with the servo board.

Yes, assuming the servos work you would be able to control them using a joystick. We have a tutorial on how to setup the joysticks to control a usb missile launcher.

Currently we have no plans to support the cannon cameras as we've just not had many requests (your's if the first) to support that system. If we get more requests we may look into it. Perhaps anyone else reading this post can add their opinion if they too want this feature.

We'll get back to you in a couple days concerning the Parallax issues.

Vince from Australia  [4 posts] 17 year
Hi steve,
Thanks for looking into it,
How do I make a donation to you guys?

There is some software to control the canon camera from breeze systems pretty sure it easy to call a command to fire the shutter,

My application is for aerial photos on a pole.

So if you made an application for that I am sure you would definatly sell a few copies.

Parallax Update
17 year

We think we found the issue with the Parallax serial timeouts and have uploaded a fix. Please download RoboRealm again and see if the fix helps. If not, do the devices work with the Parallax software in your current configuration?

We investigated the Canon API (that's what Breeze Systems uses) and are contemplating adding an interface to those cameras although we do not have that yet scheduled. We do, however, expect to support WIA in the near future which will at least allow RoboRealm to directly process images from digital devices that are not specifically video enabled. The supporting of Canon cameras will be largely based on demand. Is there anyone else out there who would like to use RoboRealm with a Canon camera? Please respond to this forum.

And thanks for the donation suggestion. We are not taking any donations just yet ... instead please help get the word out about RoboRealm whenever possible. The more people using RoboRealm the better and more powerful it will get!

Vince from Australia  [4 posts] 17 year
Hi Steve,
Great news!
The servos are working with your new update!
I just need to work out how to controll the channels with the keyboard or joystick now.

Great work and thank you so much, I will spread the word on Robot Realm.

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