Variable Affine
Hugo Wilson from United Kingdom  [3 posts]
16 year

i wonder if anyone could help, i am trying to put variable inputs into an affine command. it works pefectly when the program runs for the first time but it does not seem to rerun the affine command. it wont refresh. how can i get it to do this?

Anonymous 16 year

Are you using the API or the GUI? The GUI should not have any issues in updating assuming you are using a camera feed. If you are just using a single image over the API be sure to issue a waitImage command which should trigger a refresh of the current image and the current processing pipeline.

If not please attach the robofile and the image that you are using so that we can debug further.

Hugo Wilson from United Kingdom  [3 posts] 16 year
hey steven,
thanks for the quick response, but i think it was a problem with the variables i used rather than the refresh rate in the end. i used a point location variable and it worked just fine. thanks


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