API Problems
16 year
I have been having some problems with the API.  I copied the vb.net program and it errors out at the following line of code:


I was just wondering if anyone knew why it was erroring out here.

thanks in advance
Anonymous 16 year

You probably need to change the specified path to where your copy of RoboRealm is located.

Anonymous 16 year
I Tried changing to the link where Roborealm is installed, and it is still a no go.  What is posted now is directly pulled from the api example vb.net program.

Anonymous 16 year
There is a parameter missing from the example, it should read

rr.Open("c:\www\RoboRealm\bin\RoboRealm.exe", 6060)

The port number (last param) was added to the COM object but not updated in the example. This change has been added to the API examples and updated. See if adding the default port of 6060 clears up that error.

Anonymous 16 year

adding the port number fixed the problem

Derek VanOverloop

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