Outline Feature
Abhishek Verma from India  [6 posts]
16 year
I was looking to use Outline algo. But i am not sure diffrences between Edge detection and Outlining...how outlining perform diffrently then edge detection..

I wish to look into algorithm but i guess that might pe something which roborealm dont wish to open...

Can someone know about outlining.Any refrences or papers related to outlining or any other internet link to understand it properly.

Thanks And regards,
Anonymous 16 year

The outline module is an edge detection module. It was one of the very early ones that was left in to ensure older scripts would still work. I think the tutorial on line following might still use it.

It is a very basic algorithm. It takes the difference between two pixels X number of pixels apart. Thus if the window size is 1 then the result is abs(pixel[X] - pixel[X+1]) ... if it is 5 then the formula is abs(pixel[X] - pixel[X+5]). It does this in 4 directions (the example is in the east direction).

Other than that I'd look at the edge detection algorithms that are readily available on the net ... like Sobel, Prewitt, etc. which all produce similar results but typically using immediately neighboring pixels. If this is something you need then simply scale the image down which has a similar effect of increasing the neighborhood influence.

Abhishek Verma from India  [6 posts] 16 year
Hi STeven,

Thanks a alot for your reply.
Your explanation was very clear and helpfull for me.


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